Taking into consideration the current epidemiological context, and as a result of the new restrictions imposed to limit the spread of COVID -19, TAROM complies with the regulations of the authorities, respectively Art.3, points 1-5 of the Military Ordinance no.10 /27.04.2020.
Thus, the company, through the level management, has decided to extend the suspension of flights to/from as followings::
- Italy till May 14, 2020 included
- Spain till May 14, 2020 included
- Germany till May 14, 2020 included
- France till May 14, 2020 included
- Austria till May 14, 2020 included
- Belgium till May 14, 2020 included
- UK till May 14, 2020 included
- Netherlands till May 14, 2020 included
- Turkey till May 14, 2020 included
We will continue to operate passenger flights to and from destinations considered to be at low risk, following the regulations in force, flights which can be subject to the possibility of suspension if the situation will require it.
We will keep operating charter for passengers and cargo flights types, following the regulation in force, the last ones having by definition a special regime. For more details please contact: charter@tarom.ro and taromcargo@tarom.ro.
In this context, please reschedule your flights on later travel dates free of charge or request reimbursement of paid amount by contacting the travel agent or Call Center TAROM at 021.9361and at contact@tarom.ro . Thank you for understanding!