General meeting of Shareholders
- Marius Adrian Cojoc – Reprezentant ROMATSA
- Gabriel Bulgaru – Reprezentant Compania Nationala „AEROPORTURI BUCURESTI” S.A
- Marian Buica – Reprezentant Longshield Investment Group S.A
- Maria Magdalena Burghiu – Reprezentant MT
- Cristian Mihai Bocșe – Reprezentant MT
Board of Directors – 4-year term
- Anca – Daniela Boagiu – named starting from 15.06.2024
- Iuliana – Cristina Bârcă – named starting from 15.06.2024
- Monica Săsărman – named starting from 15.06.2024
- Iulian-Daniel Idolu – named starting from 15.06.2024
- Costin – Ionuț Iordache – named starting from 15.06.2024
- Mirel Alexandru Marcu– named starting from 15.06.2024
- Mihăiță Ursu – named starting from 15.06.2024
The gross monthly remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors is 12,500 RON
TAROM Board of Directors member framework contract, 4-year term, approved by AGA 15 of 14.06.2024