TAROM Information
In the context of the air traffic controllers’ strike in Greece, TAROM is taking measures to protect passengers
Bucharest, February 25, 2025. The air traffic controllers’ strike in Greece, which will last almost 24 hours, announced between February 27, 22:00 and February 28, 21:59, will also affect TAROM flights to this destination, namely on the RO273 Bucharest – Athens – Bucharest, on February 28, which will be cancelled
Against the background of the situation generated independently of the activity and will of the national air carrier, TAROM is already taking measures to protect potentially affected passengers by recalibrating the round-trip flight between Bucharest and the Greek capital
In order to minimize as much as possible the impact that the air traffic controllers’ strike in Greece could have on the travel plans of passengers on RO273 RO273/4 OTP-ATH-OTP, TAROM has mobilized its teams to re-route passengers on flights on 27 February (until 22:00, the strike start time) and 1 March respectively and is considering increasing the transport capacity so that all passengers reach their destination as soon as possible
Passengers in this situation are asked to contact the TAROM call centre and call any of the following telephone numbers: (004) 021 9978, (004) 0800 500 131 (TelVerde) or (004) 0371 529 000 to choose between the possible options The same type of information can also be sent by e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected] or to the issuing agency.
Compania Națională de Transporturi Aeriene Române – TAROM was established in 1954 and operates under the authority of the Ministry of Transport, being a member of the SkyTeam Alliance since June 25, 2010 Romania’s national carrier has a fleet of 18 aircraft and has in its portfolio a total of 70 destinations operated with its own aircraft or served by its code share partners Since 1993, TAROM has been a member company of the International Air Transport Association (IATA). More details about the products and services offered by TAROM can be obtained by visiting the website www.tarom.ro or by calling the Call Center Service toll free at 004 021 99 78